Monday, January 11, 2010

Basic Chicken

Version 1:

1-2 Whole Chicken Breast (not milanesa)
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
4 Cloves Garlic, chopped up
1 Chopped Pepper (whichever color you like. Green is the least sweet, Red is in between, Yellow/Orange are sweetest)
1/2 Medium Onion, chopped up
Spices: Tumeric, Salt, Pepper, whatever you like


  1. Put olive oil in pan and put pan on medium-high heat.
  2. When hot, put onion and garlic and spices into the pan.
  3. After a little bit of cooking, when it gets a little brown, put the peppers into the pan. 
  4. When they start to soften, put the chicken in. Cook the chicken until it's done. If it seems to be getting too dry, you can add some water. Spice to your taste.
Version 2:

4 Chicken Legs
2 Medium Onions, cut into half or quarters, up to you 
3 Large Carrots, Chopped into large pieces
6-8 Cloves of garlic, Chopped in half or quarters, up to you
3 potatoes, Chopped into cubes ("cubed")
Olive oil
Whatever spices you want to use

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2. Put everything in a big pan. make sure there's enough olive oil to keep things moist and from burning.
3. Cook it until it's done.

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